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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How is the cost of drilling a borewell determined?

Guidelines for estimating the cost of digging a borewell:
¶  The cost of drilling a bore well is determined by taking into account the well's depth and accounting for drilling fees for a 6 ½" diameter.
¶  Considering the cost of fuel
¶  Charges for the PVC pipe
¶  The 10" pipe is charged by the outer PVC pipe.
¶  The charges for the borewell collar and cap
¶  Labor and transportation costs
¶  Charges for water injection and flushing
¶  Groundwater survey fees for geologists
¶ The kind of ground soil or the geology of the borewell site is the primary determinant of borewell cost.

What do a bore well's outer and inner casings look like?

¶  The outer casing pipe of a bore well is the protective pipe that is inserted into the borehole to maintain the overburden, or vadose zone, soil profile that is present above the rock.
¶  The purpose of the casing pipe is to keep outside pollutants from penetrating the bore well and to protect the borehole from falling debris.
¶  Usually, a few millimetres of drilling into the bedrock is used to place the outer casing in the hard strata.
¶  Conversely, the inner casing serves merely as a protective pipe that is inserted into the well to the bottom of the borehole.
¶  To facilitate groundwater flow into the well, the inner casing—which has a smaller diameter than the outer casing—is usually used with holes at particular depths.
¶  When using submersible pumps, in particular, the inner casing acts as a barrier to further protect the pumping components.

Is cleaning a tube well or bore well possible?

¶  It's been said that a bore well's or tube well's yield declines with time.
¶  This phenomenon might be explained by the clogging of borewell screens in tube wells, or by the cementing of clay particles in the event of a limited number of fractures.
¶  In other cases, the well production is lowered and pumping becomes more difficult due to falling silt and sand-size particles brought on by the temporary flow inside the pipes.
¶  The answer is to use pressure injection or water jetting to cleanse the well.

How is the yield from the well-known?

¶  To ascertain the well's yield, a pumping test is performed.
¶  It is carried out to assess the potential yield of a well in terms of groundwater extraction as well as the effects of pumping on the aquifer and nearby well supplies.
¶  Different techniques and procedures are used to conduct pumping tests in different kinds of wells.
¶  Four pumping test instruments are available to the groundwater department for use in a variety of well types.
¶  Borewell yield testing is often conducted in dry seasons to get the most accurate findings

Which kinds of pumps are appropriate for use in borewells?

¶  In India, the most common types of pumps used for home usage are submersible, jet, and compressor pumps.
¶  Up to 150 feet can be reached using jet pumps placed above ground above the borewell or close by.
¶  When submerged in water, submersible and compressor pumps are employed.
¶  Because compressor pumps are situated at ground level, they are inexpensive to install and maintain, making them appropriate for low-yielding borewells.
¶  They could also need regular repairs, and they're noisy.
¶  Due to the availability of 4-inch-dia submersible pumps that operate on a single-phase electrical connection, they have emerged as the favoured option for residential borewells.
¶  They can be put in place to fulfil more demanding water needs.
¶  However, if submersible pumps are placed in borewells with a lot of silt particles, they may need to be repaired more frequently.

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